When you decide to work with us we'd like you to feel that you are in good hands. We dot the Is and cross the Ts. We help you make decisions by giving you the relevant background information and ensuring that you are aware of the ramifications of your decisions. We propose alternatives and notify you of any good opportunities that can help strengthen your goals, we make your utmost success our primary concern.
RIS is currently providing services in 2 sectors of information technology.
The first area revolves around web development. This is the process of producing some sort of product that is usable via the http protocol (pretty much the internet). The process involves many distinct parts including planning type, marketting type as well as development type work. All these play a role in delivering an effective solution.
The second area is our technical support services for small office network environments. In businesses with under 20 workstations we provide friendly, reliable, quick response end to end to consulting services. We advise you on purchasing decisions, service contracts, printer management and accounting, backups, disaster recovery, security policies, phone services and all the other technical considerations to keep your business running 100% of the time so you can work to make the money and we can keep you working. |